VehicleBarrier : TravelBarrier
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A VehicleBarrier is a special kind of TravelBarrier that allows actors to pass (effectively on foot) but (at least by default) prevents the passage of Vehicles, though this behaviour can be overridden (by overriding its canTravelerPass(traveler) method) to make it more selective about which kind of vehicles it will and won't allow to pass. Here, however, we simply want to override the explainTravelBarrier method to provide a more specific message:

snowmobileBarrier : VehicleBarrier
         reportFailure('You can\'t ride the snowmobile into there. ');

Since the snowmobile is the only Vehicle we're going to implement in this game, we can be sure that the explainTravelBarrier method will only ever be called for the snowmobile; otherwise, the explainTravelBarrier(traveler) method would have to test which traveler it was taking about, or else (and perhaps preferably) canTravelerPass(traveler) would need to be overridden to block only the snowmobile.

We don't want the snowmobile to be used anywhere except the snowy world on which it's found, so the first place we'll put this barrier is on the outside door of the Tardis, to prevent the snowmobile being ridden into the Tardis (you will recall that it's too heavy to carry):

+ tardisDoor : LockableWithKey, Door '(tardis) door' 'door'
  disambigName = 'Tardis door'
  keyList = [tardisKey]
  travelBarrier = [snowmobileBarrier]

You may recall that the purpose of the snowmobile is to carry the player character further than he can walk on foot through the snow. We can enforce this by defining a custom TravelBarrier that allows only the snowmobile to pass:

snowBarrier : TravelBarrier 
  canTravelerPass(traveler) { return traveler==snowMobile; }
    if(traveler == gPlayerChar)
    "You trudge for half an hour or so through the snow, but then you
     are forced to realize that you can't keep it up for long, so
     you turn round and come back. ";

Note that the way we have defined it, this TravelBarrier will provide a 'soft' boundary for travelers on foot; in other words it will make any TravelConnector with which it's associated act like a FakeConnector for pedestrians but like a normal connector for those on the snowmobile. Note further that when the player character is riding the snowmobile, it's the snowmobile that's considered to be the traveler (in the sense of the traveler parameter here), even though its passengers are in a sense traveling with it.

While we're at it, we'll provide a general custom connector to provide soft boundaries to our snowy world, as a kind of FakeConnector that provides different messages depending on whether we're traveling on foot or on the snowmobile:

snowWorldFakeConnector : TravelConnector
   canTravelerPass(traveler) { return nil; }
     if(traveler == snowMobile)
       "You ride across the vast snowy plain for several hours, without
        finding anything of interest, so you eventually decide to 
        turn round and come back. ";
     else if(traveler == gPlayerChar)
       "You walk through the snow for what seems like hours, but all
        around the unremitting plain seems unchanging, so before you
        are overcome by frostbite or hypothermia you turn back. ";     

We'll also define a reusable connector for returning to the spot where the Tardis materializes on this world from locations that can only be
reached by riding the snowmobile:

snowWorldConnector : OneWayRoomConnector  
    -> snowWorld
    travelBarrier = [snowBarrier]
      "You ride the snowmobile across the plain back to the Tardis. ";

Armed with these special connectors and barriers we can now create the rest of our snowy world, the northern reaches of which will contain a forest in which we'll hide the last of our mysterious tablets:

snowWorld : OutdoorRoom 'Snow-Covered Plain' 'the snow-covered plain'
  "The bleak, snow-covered plain stretches as far as the eye can see in all directions
   under a leaden sky, the only visible feature being a tall mountain range to
   the east. "
  vocabWords = 'snow plain'
  east : OneWayRoomConnector
              if(traveler is in (gPlayerChar, snowMobile)) 
              "You <<traveler==snowMobile ? 'ride across' : 'trudge through'>> the snow
               to the base of the mountains. ";            
  north : OneWayRoomConnector 
           -> snowForestEdge
           travelBarrier = [snowBarrier]
           { "It roars off to the north and takes you
             sweeping across the snow-clad plain until you eventually arrive
             at the edge of a forest. "; }
  west : OneWayRoomConnector
          -> snowPrecipice
          travelBarrier = [snowBarrier]
             "You ride it westwards across the dazzling plain,
              until the monotony threatens to send you to sleep. Fortunately
              you are just alert enough to stop at the edge of a precipice. ";
  south = snowWorldFakeConnector

+ Distant 'small mountain range' 'small mountain range'
  "Distances are hard to judge on this almost featureless white plain, but the
   mountains do not look far off. They seem to jut abruptly up against the sky
   without the basic courtesy of intervening foothills, suggesting that they
   were formed by a geological fault running across the plain. "

snowCliff : OutdoorRoom 'Under the cliff' 'under the cliff'
  "The sheer cliff of the mountain range brings the plain to an abrupt end at
   this point. A small wooden hut hugs the side of the cliff. "
  west : OneWayRoomConnector
          -> snowWorld
            if(traveler is in (gPlayerChar, snowMobile))
             "You <<traveler==snowMobile ? 'ride the snowmobile' : 'walk'>> back
             to the Tardis. ";
  in = insideHut
  north = snowWorldFakeConnector
  south = snowWorldFakeConnector
  east : NoTravelMessage { "The sheer cliff blocks progress further south,
   and there's no way you can climb it. " }

+ Enterable ->insideHut 'small wooden hut' 'small wooden hut'
  "It's a shabby structure, made of thin planking knocked together clumsily.
   It hasn't weathered well, either. ";

snowForestEdge : OutdoorRoom 'Edge of Forest' 'the edge of the forest'
  "Although the snow-filled plain stretches to the eastern, southern and
   western horizons, directly to the north lies a pine forest thick with
   snow-covered trees. "
  south = snowWorldConnector
  east = snowWorldFakeConnector
  west = snowWorldFakeConnector
  north = snowForest

snowForest : OutdoorRoom 'Snow Forest Fork' 'the fork in the path'
  "This forest looks like it's been deep in winter since time began. All around
   the tall pine trees are white with frost, their branches laden with
   snow. At this point in the forest the path from the south forks to
   northeast and northwest. "
  south = snowForestEdge
  northwest = nwForestPath
  northeast = neForestPath
  travelBarrier = [snowmobileBarrier]

nwForestPath : OutdoorRoom 'Northwest Forest Path' 'the northwest forest path'
  "Not only does this forest been in the depths of winter since time
   began, it seems to be of interminable extent, for this path running
   roughly northwest-southeast through it seem never-ending. "
   southeast = snowForest
   northwest : FakeConnector { "You carry on down the interminable
     forest path, and still there seems no end to it. " }

neForestPath : OutdoorRoom 'Clearing' 'the clearing'
  "The long path northeast through the forest eventually comes to an
   end in a small clearing, where branches and pine-leaves lie in
   a tangle on the ground amidst the snow. "
   southwest = snowForest

+ Immovable '(pine) branches/leaves/twigs/pine-leaves' 'leaves and branches'
  "A tangle of pine twigs, branches and leaves clutters the ground, mingling
   with the snow. "
  isPlural = true
  dobjFor(LookIn) asDobjFor(LookUnder)
    verify() {}
        "You find nothing else there. ";
         "Half-buried among the leaves and twigs is a square wooden tablet. ";

+ woodenTablet : Hidden, Tablet 'wooden tablet*tablets' 'wooden tablet'
  inscription = "T D A Z P\n S H S I L\nH E R O A\nC O H E N\nW H I T E"
  initSpecialDesc = "A wooden tablet lies half-buried in the snow. "

snowPrecipice : OutdoorRoom 'Edge of Precipice' 'the edge of the precipice'
  "A deep fault line severes the plain here, leaving a sheer drop to the west.
   A white mist drifts below, making it hard to tell lies beyond, especially
   as it's hard to distinguish white mist from white snow. The snowy plain
   continues to east, south, and north. "
  east = snowWorldConnector
  south = snowWorldFakeConnector
  north = snowWorldFakeConnector
  west : NoTravelMessage { "That way lies a sheer drop. " }

Finally, we musn't forget to make it possible for the Tardis to reach our new snow world:

+ tardisDestinations : SecretFixture, PreinitObject
  destinations = static new LookupTable
    destinations['A0'] = hold;
    destinations['A2'] = spaceStation;
    destinations['C9'] = redDesert;
    destinations['T5'] = outsideCave;
    destinations['Q7'] = londonStreet;
    destinations['M3'] = snowWorld;    