Vaporous : Intangible
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Vaporous is a good class to use for something you can see, and maybe smell and hear, but that is not fully tangible, such as a ray of light, a flame, or smoke. To set up an example, let's start creating some locations on the east side of the lake:

eastShore : Room 'Stone Jetty' 'the stone jetty'
  "This bleak stone jetty is little more than a narrow corridor between the lake to
  the west and the rough cave wall to the east. A broad flight of stone steps leads
  down to the south, while a much narrower flight leads up to the north. "
  south = eastShoreDown
  down asExit(south)

+ eastShoreDown : StairwayDown 'broad flight stone steps' 'broad stone steps'
  "The broad stone steps looks fatally inviting, an easy walk down into the
   bowels of the earth. "
  isPlural = true 

hellVestibule : Room 'Vestibule of Hell Fire Cavern' 'the vestibule'
  "The broad stone steps leading up to the north come to an end in this small, hot,
   rough round cave that seems to form the vestibule to what lies beyond the
   uninviting entrance to the east, through which comes a dull red glow. A
   sign next to this entrance declares it to be the entrance to Hell Fire Cavern. " 
  north = hellVestibuleUp
  up asExit(north)  

+ hellVestibuleUp : StairwayUp ->eastShoreDown 'broad stone steps' 'broad stone steps'
  "The steps back up to the jetty look long, rough and wearisome. "
  isPlural = true

+ Readable, Decoration 'sign' 'sign'
  "The sign declares:\b
   (getting out alive not guaranteed)\n"

The description of hellVestibule refers to a "dull red glow"; this is not something the player can TAKE, PUSH, OPEN or otherwise interact with as if it were a physical object, but it is plainly something the player can see, and so could EXAMINE. This makes it a good candidate for implementation as a Vaporous:

+ redGlow : Vaporous 'dull red glow' 'dull red glow'
  "It flickers a dull, hungry shade of red with a diabolical, fiery look to it. "

The only thing you can meaningfully do to a Vaporous is EXAMINE in (or LISTEN TO it or SMELL it if the author provides a listenDesc and a smellDesc), otherwise it provides one standard message if the player tries to LOOK IN, UNDER or BEHIND ("You just see the dull red glow.") and another if you try to do anything else to it, such as PUSH, TAKE or EAT it ("You can't do that to a dull red glow."). For most purposes these messages are probably fine, but you can easily change them if you want to by overriding the
lookInVaporousMsg and notWithIntangibleMsg properties, e.g.:

+ redGlow: Vaporous 'dull red glow' 'dull red glow'
  "It flickers a dull, hungry shade of red with a diabolical, fiery look to it. "
  lookInVaporousMsg(obj) { return 'It\'s just as red whichever way you look at it. '; }
  notWithIntangibleMsg(obj) { return 'That\'s not a particularly practical suggestion. '; }

Note that these two message properties have to be overridden as methods with a single parameter that return a single-quoted string. Unfortunately, this is not a general rule when overriding a message property; it other cases you might simply need to override the message property with a single-quoted string. To find out what you need to do in any particular case you need to look up the corresponding message property in the library code to see how it is implemented.