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We can define a custom TellTo action that will translate TELL SARAH TO JUMP into SARAH, JUMP or ASK SARAH TO GO NORTH into SARAH, NORTH rather more neatly than using a StringPreParser. All we need to do is to define a LiteralTAction that matches the grammar TELL X TO Y or ASK X TO Y. X will be taken as the direct object of the command, and Y as a string literal containing the command X is to execute. To make X execute the command Y all we need then do is to tokenize the string Y and then call Tokenizer.tokenize to convert it into a list of tokens we can feed into the executeCommand function.

The only real complication is that the player who uses this syntax is likely to type ASK SARAH TO KISS YOU and expect it to behave like SARAH, KISS ME; we therefore have to test whether 'you' exists among the command tokens and if so replace every occurrence of it with 'me'.

Here's the complete definition:

DefineLiteralTAction(TellTo, IndirectObject); 
 ('tell' | 'ask' | 'order') singleDobj 'to' singleLiteral
 : TellToAction
 verbPhrase = 'tell/telling (whom) (to what)'

modify Thing
    verify() { illogical('{The dobj/he} do{es}n\'t accept orders. '); }

modify Actor
    verify() {}
    preCond = [canTalkToObj]
      local tokList = Tokenizer.tokenize(gLiteral);
      /* you probably want to translate 'you' into 'me'
       * likewise 'himself' or 'herself' into 'yourself'
       * in any token */
      if(tokList.indexWhich({x: x[1] is in ('you', 'himself', 'herself')}))
       local lst = [];
       foreach(local tok in tokList)
         if(tok[1] == 'you')
           tok[1] = 'me';
           tok[3] = 'me';
         if(tok[1] is in ('himself', 'herself'))
           tok[1] = 'yourself';
           tok[3] = 'yourself';
        lst += [tok];  
       tokList = lst; 
      executeCommand(self, gActor, tokList, true);