InitiateTopic : ThingMatchTopic
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You'll recall a couple of sections back that we ended up with rather a lengthy beforeTravel method on curatorWatching : ConversationReadyState. Although it isn't too bad, you may feel that its combination of switch statement and if statements is not only rather cumbersome but out of tune with the general approach of controlling behaviour by defining objects. Well, in fact, TADS 3 does provide a mechanism we could use to implement this case in a radically different way. Here's how the same curator behaviour can be implemented using InitiateTopics:

++ curatorWatching : ConversationReadyState
  stateDesc = "He's watching you carefully. "
  specialDesc { inherited; stateDesc; }
  isInitState = true
  beforeTravel(traveler, connector)
    inherited(traveler, connector); 
    if(traveler == gPlayerChar)

+++ InitiateTopic @museum
    "{The curator/he} stops you, asking, <q>May I see your
    ticket please?</q><.p><<gSetKnown(museumTicket)>>";

++++ AltTopic
       "{The curator/he} follows you into the museum. ";
    isActive = (gRevealed('ticket-shown'))    

+++ InitiateTopic @museumLobby
     "{The curator/he} follows you into the lobby. ";

+++ InitiateTopic @benefactorsRoom
     "<q>I'm afraid you can't go in there,</q> {the curator/he}
      intercepts you, <q>That's the <i>benefactors'</i> room; only
      our benefactors are allowed in there to see the special
      exhibits.</q><.reveal benefactors> ";

++++ AltTopic 
     foreach(local cur in gPlayerChar.contents)
       if(cur.ofKind(Container) && cur != cap && !cur.ofKind(Matchbook))
          "<q>Sorry,</q> {the curator/he} apologizes as he intercepts
           you, <q>But we can't allow you to take any bags or containers
           in there. It's policy, I'm afraid - one can't be too careful
           these days.</q> ";
   isActive = (carbuncle.isIn(getActor))

An InitiateTopic is thus a kind of TopicEntry that can be used to make an actor initiate conversation (or any other kind of action) in response to something in the environment. Although InitiateTopics are set up in exactly the same way as GiveTopics and ShowTopics, and, just like them, match game objects, they are activated not in response to player conversational commands such as GIVE TO, SHOW TO or ASK ABOUT, but under program control in response to a call to initiateTopic(obj).

The example we have just given shows that we can generally use an initiateTopic(obj) statement to replace a switch(obj) statement and transform the cases within the body of the switch statement into individual InitiateTopics. At the same time the use of AltTopic and isActive can be used to replace the IF... THEN... ELSE... logic. The only limitation is that the InitiateTopics must be keyed on some set of objects (the obj parameter of the initiateTopic method). These could even be special objects created for the purpose, but more normally they will be existing objects that already serve some purpose in the game. In the most common case, they will often be locations (Rooms).

InitiateTopics keyed by location are probably most useful in connection with sidekick characters, like Sarah in the present game, who can be made to offer spontaneous observations on (some of) the various locations she visits in company with the player character. The best place to put the call to initiateTopic() is probably in the arrivingTurn() method of the sarahFollowingState, so that it's called each time Sarah arrives in a new location (but not every turn she remains there). Also, the player won't be impressed if Sarah makes the same remark every time she arrives in a given location, so we'll need to provide a list of responses for each case we implement. If we want Sarah to make a remark only on her first visit or two, the easiest way may be to provide an Event list with only one or two elements:

+ sarahFollowing : AccompanyingState
  specialDesc = "{The sarah/she} is standing beside you. "
  stateDesc = "She's standing beside you. "
  accompanyTravel(leadActor, conn) 
    { return leadActor == gPlayerChar; }
        nestedActorAction(getActor, SitOn, snowMobile);
        "{The sarah/she} gets on the snowmobile behind you. ";
  getAccompanyingTravelState(leadActor, conn)
   { return new SarahInTravelState(location, leadActor, self); }  
  arrivingTurn() { initiateTopic(getActor.location); }    

++ InitiateTopic, EventList @portDeck
  [ '<q>What a big ship!</q> {the sarah/she} remarks. ']

++ InitiateTopic, ShuffledEventList @tardisControlRoom  
  [ '<q>Cor! This is impressive!</q> {the sarah/she} remarks. ',
    '<q>Well, here we are again!</q> says {the sarah/she} brightly. ' ]

  [ '<q>Well, where shall we go next?</q> {the sarah/she} wonders. ',
    '{The sarah/she} wanders over to the console and inspects the setting
      of the slider and dial. ', nil ]


++ InitiateTopic, EventList @snowWorld
  [ '<q>Brrr. This place is so <i>cold</i>,</q> {the sarah/she} complains. ',
    '<q>Can\'t we just go back to the Tardis?</q> {the sarah/she} asks. ' ] 

++ InitiateTopic, EventList @insideHut
  [ '{The sarah/she} walks over to the snowmobile and lays her hand on one of
    the seats. Then she turns to you and asks, <q>What do you think?</q> ']

++ InitiateTopic, EventList @neForestPath
  [ '{The sarah/she} starts scuffling the ground with her feet, <q>I think there
     may be something here.</q> she announces. ' ]
  isActive = (!woodenTablet.discovered)

++ InitiateTopic, EventList @redRavine
  ['<q>That\'s <i>horrible</i>!</q> {the sarah/she} declares, eyeing the
   skeleton with evident disgust. ',
   '<q>What do you think happened to him?</q> she asks, nodding towards
    the skeleton. '

++ InitiateTopic, EventList @solomonBedroom
  ['{The sarah/she} runs her hand over the bed, then walks over to the window and
    looks out. <q>Hey! Come and have a look at this!</q> she says. ']

++ InitiateTopic, EventList @museum
  [ '{The sarah/she} starts walking round, looking at the exhibits. <q>What
     an odd collection!</q> she declares. ' ]

++ InitiateTopic, EventList @graveyard
  [ '<q>This place gives me the creeps!</q> {the sarah/she} declares, with a
    little shudder. ',
    '{The sarah/she} walks over to one of the tombstones and examines it
     thoughtfully, <q>Come and have a look at this.</q> she beckons you,
     <q>I think it might be important - like it\'s the key to some sort of
     code or something.</q> '
  isActive = (!ghost.isIn(graveyard))

++ InitiateTopic @outsideCave
   "{The sarah/she} looks round at the sky, the valley and the car park, then
    turns to you with a slightly melancholy look, <q>It's good to be back out
    here,</q> she tells you, <q>but I have this horrible feeling we still have
    unfinished business back in <i>there</i>.</q> she nods towards the caves. "

+++ AltTopic
    "{The sarah/she} turns to you with a broad smile and gives you a great big
    hug.\b<q>We <i>did</i> it!</q> she declares, <q>we really did it!</q>\b ";
   isActive = (goldenBanana.isIn(nil))

One could probably add more such responses still, but you've probably seen enough to get the general idea, and we're beginning to bring Sarah to life a bit more. Note that our final AltTopic actually ends the game with the player winning - the objective is to get Sarah safely back outside and to destroy the golden banana, which are precisely the conditions under which this AltTopic becomes operative.

Since initiateTopic can key on any kind of object, we could also use it to make Sarah respond to SensoryEvents. First, we make her an observer of SoundEvents and SightEvents, then we can start adding suitable InitiateTopics:

sarah : Person 'attractive young woman/brunette' 'young woman' @lakeRoom
  "She's an attractive brunette, somewhere in her mid-twenties. "
  isHer = true
  properName = 'Sarah'
  globalParamName = 'sarah'  
  knownProp = &sarahKnows
  seenProp = &sarahHasSeen
  notifySightEvent(event, source, info) { initiateTopic(event); }
  notifySoundEvent(event, source, info) { initiateTopic(event); }

+ InitiateTopic, EventList @bulkheadOpenEvent
  ['\b<q>That\'s clever!</q> {the sarah/she} declares. ',
   '\b<q>Why not just leave it open?</q> {the sarah/she} wonders. '

+ InitiateTopic, EventList @sailEvent
  ['\b<q>So <i>that\'s</i> how you sail this thing!</q> {the sarah/she} declares. ',
   '\b<q>Here we go again!</q> {the sarah/she} remarks cheerfully. ',
   '\b{The sarah/she} starts whistling <i>A Life on the Ocean Wave</i>. '

+ InitiateTopic @explosionEvent
    callWithSenseContext( getActor, sight, 
   {: "\b<q>Crikey, that sounded close!</q> cries {the sarah/she}. "} );

+ InitiateTopic @ghostAppearingEvent
  "\b<q>Eek!</q> cries {the sarah/she}, clutching at your arm. 

Note that we have located the last set of InitiateTopics directly in the actor object; in earlier versions of TADS 3 this was necessary, but from TADS 3.0.13 on you can also locate InitiateTopics in ActorStates, just like any other TopicEntry. Unlike other kinds of TopicEntry, however, you cannot put an InitiateTopic inside a Conversation Node(which would not be useful in any case).

Note too that in the last of these we call getActor.setHasSeen(ghost) to record the fact that Sarah has actually seen the ghost. Clearly this will be rather important if we want to define Sarah's responses to conversation about the ghost! At the same time we can note the fact that Sarah has now heard about the golden banana.

For any of these InitiateTopics to work, we obviously have to add some code to define the relevant events and trigger them, first the opening of the bulkhead door:

+ bulkheadDoor : HiddenDoor 'bulkhead door/doorway/opening' 'bulkhead door'
  "The central section of the foreward bulkhead has slid open, revealing a 
   doorway through the bulkhead. "
  destination = crewQuarters 
    if(stat) bulkheadOpenEvent.triggerEvent(self);


bulkheadOpenEvent : SightEvent;

For the sailing of the ship we likewise define
sailEvent : SightEvent; and then add sailEvent.triggerEvent(self); after ship.moveInto(wheel.curDestination); on the SpringLever object attached to the panel on the quarterdeck. The explosionEvent has already been defined (when the bomb detonates on the London street), but note that in order for Sarah's response to it to be displayed we have to use callWithSenseContext since the triggering of explosionEvent takes place within a senseFuse.

Finally, we need to set up the ghostAppearingEvent:

     if(!ghost.moved && !statue.isPulled)
       "A pale ghost rises slowly from one of the tombs, then turns to you,
        pointing its ghostly finger straight at you. <q>You!</q> it cries,
        <q>Yes you - the disturber of my statue! You are the one who must
        carry out the sacred task! You are the one who must retrieve the
        Golden Banana of Discord and cast it into the fires of Mount Gloom
        before it falls into the hands of the Cabal!</q> ";

And of course, you need to define:

ghostAppearingEvent : SightEvent;

Used with sufficient ingenuity, and in combination with SensoryEvents or keyed on locations etc, InitiateTopics can thus be used to define NPCs' reactions to just about anything we like.

Finally, although in this example we have used SensoryEvents to trigger InitiateTopics directly on the actor, if we'd really wanted a different set of InitiateTopics to handle different responses to these events on each ActorState, we could have defined:

notifySightEvent(event, source, info) { curState.initiateTopic(event); }
notifySoundEvent(event, source, info) { curState.initiateTopic(event); }