ConversationReadyState : ActorState
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A ConversationReadyState, as its name suggests, is the kind of ActorState is in when the actor is not actually talking to the PC but is prepared to do so. When a conversational command (ASK ABOUT, TELL ABOUT, ASK FOR, SHOW TO, GIVE TO, TALK TO) is addressed to an actor who's in a ConversationReadyState, the actor automatically switches into the associated InConversationState. What the associated state is may be defined either explicity by setting the inConvState property, or implicitly by nesting the ConversationReadyState inside its associated InConversationState. Here we'll use the latter method, even though here, as typically, the ConversationReadyStates we'll be defining are the initial states of the actors in question.

We'll continue where we left off, with the demons (who must still block your path in this state too). This code follows immediately after the demonsChattering state:

++ demonsPrancing : ConversationReadyState
  specialDesc = "A gaggle of demons is prancing around on the rocks near the steps down
   towards the basalt plain, pretending to ignore you, but keeping a careful watch on
   you just the same. "
  stateDesc = "They're prancing around near the steps down to the plain. "
  isInitState = true
  beforeTravel(traveler, connector)
    if(connector == hellPathDown)
      "The demons bunch together and shriek at you, driving you back from the steps. ";
    inherited(traveler, connector); 

The initial ConversationReady states for Sarah and Solomon are rather more straightforward (again, each one should be nested within the corresponding InConversationState):

++ sarahLooking : ConversationReadyState
  isInitState = true
  specialDesc = "{A sarah/she} is standing by the shore, apparently
   looking at something, though she occasionally throws a curious
   glance your way. "
  stateDesc = "She seems to be looking for something. "

++ solomonExamining : ConversationReadyState
  specialDesc {inherited; stateDesc; }
  stateDesc = "He's staring at the table, deep in thought. "
  isInitState = true

While that of the curator is a little more complicated:

++ curatorWatching : ConversationReadyState
  stateDesc = "He's watching you carefully. "
  specialDesc { inherited; stateDesc; }
  isInitState = true
  beforeTravel(traveler, connector)
    inherited(traveler, connector); 
    if(traveler == gPlayerChar)
       case museum:
        "{The curator/he} follows you into the museum. ";
       case museumLobby:             
        "{The curator/he} follows you into the lobby. ";
       case benefactorsRoom:      
        "<q>I'm afraid you can't go in there,</q> {the curator/he}
        intercepts you, <q>That's the <i>benefactors'</i> room; only
        our benefactors are allowed in there to see the special
        exhibits.</q> ";

In order to make this travel checking occur on the related InConversationState without having to repeat all the code we can simply call this method thus:

+ curatorTalking : InConversationState
  stateDesc = "He's looking straight at you, head cocked slightly to one side. "
  specialDesc { inherited; stateDesc; }
  attentionSpan = 3
  beforeTravel(traveler, connector)
    curatorWatching.beforeTravel(traveler, connector);
    inherited(traveler, connector);
