AccompanyingInTravelState : ActorState
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You'll have noticed that when Sarah follows you around, you see a message "The young woman comes with you." This is a decent enough default message for the purpose, but if you wanted to change it, here's how.

First, we need to define a custom class derived from AccompanyingInTravelState, then we need to override its sayDeparting(conn) method to display whatever message we want in place of "The young woman comes with you. " We can also also override the specialDesc property to display whatever we'd like shown in the room description to describe Sarah's presence on the arriving turn. We could, for example, take advantage of this to vary randomly the message displayed each time in an effort to make it look a little less repetitive and mechanical:

class SarahInTravelState : AccompanyingInTravelState
  sayDeparting(conn) { departMessages.doScript; }
  specialDesc { arriveMessages.doScript; }
  departMessages : ShuffledEventList
  { ['{The sarah/she} comes with you. ',
     '{The sarah/she} follows you. ',
     '{The sarah/she} trails faithfully along behind. ',
     '{The sarah/she} follows hot on your heels. ',
     '{The sarah/she} walks along beside you. ',
     '{The sarah/she} accompanies you.'
  ] }
  arriveMessages : ShuffledEventList  
  { [ '{The sarah/she} is at your side. ',
      '{The sarah/she} is still with you. ',
      '{The sarah/she} is standing close by. ',
      '{The sarah/she} takes a quick look around. ',
      '{The sarah/she} looks at you expectantly. '     
  ] }

For this to do anything, we need to change the AccompanyingState to make use of this new AccompanyingInTravel state by overridining its getAccompanyingTravelState(leadActor, conn) method:

+ sarahFollowing : AccompanyingState
  specialDesc = "{The sarah/she} is standing beside you. "
  stateDesc = "She's standing beside you. "
  getAccompanyingTravelState(leadActor, conn)
   { return new SarahInTravelState(location, leadActor, self); }  

Note that the third parameter (self) in this new SarahInTravelState call is the ActorState to which the Actor will return on completion of travel; normally we want this to be the AccompanyingState (hence 'self') that set the AccompanyingInTravelState up, but we could, if special circumstances warranted it, insert some other ActorState here if we wanted the actor to change into some other state at this point (perhaps after traversing a particular connector).